Friday, May 14, 2010


The ABF U-Pack trailer arrived this morning, day one of the real deal.  The long anticipated day has arrived.  Took a run to Lowe's to pick up some more boxes and a 4x4 to put under the wheels, ran over to Harbor Freight to pick up some tie downs, moving blankets and tarps to line the floor and walls of the trailer.

Opened up the back of the trailer and just stood there and looked.  How in the world are we going to fit all our stuff, our worldly possessions into 19 of the 29 feet of space on this stuff-mobile.  We're old and we have A LOT of stuff.  Of  course after three loads to the dump and a lot of that stuff was yard sale material, but bheeeehhh, no yard sales for me.   No time and certainly no energy.  We are also going to pawn off what we can to our kids and we aren't taking any appliances. 

So, after several minutes of staring into that empty trailer and the same amount of time cogitating on the loading diagram in our heads Brian began to load some "shop" stuff into the stuff-mobile.  We learned a lot from moving Brian's Mom last summer and and disassembled every table and anything that has a screw or bolt in it.  So far we have used 5 feet of space and it's amazing what Brian has in it.

Today's daily photos.  (right click on the link and choosse "open in new window") Just a few pics on our progress.  We shall see what tomorrow will bring.  But for right now I'm exausted.

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