Tuesday, May 04, 2010


We were in a dilemia.  The California registration was due for the fifth wheel.  They were actually due on 4/30 to the tune of $200.   We asked AAA if they would give us an extension and nada no way.  We asked if they gave refunds for vehicles that moved out of state and, yes, they have a form, but refunds are rare. He said we could get a one way permit, but the registration cannot be expired. So, we struggled with what we were going to do for a few days.

I woke up on Wednesday morrning (4/29) and decided that I did not want to pay $200 to the State of California.  I know, I've lived in California all my life and I should owe it something, right?   NOT!   NO!   Ha ha ha ha ha!

So armed with a good attitude, I got up, got ready, gathered my paperwork and prepared myself with just the littlest of white fibs.  Drove over to the Norco office and found a parking place right up front, got out of my truck and (boing) remembered that I had to come back in the house to get my keys and left my purse and paperwork at home.  Oh great, good attitude was waining.  Okay, suck it up and go home.

Try again, drove to Norco... got a great parking place...  line for the info window was only 8 people long; got my number... five minutes was called to window 1.  I told them that my fees were due and I was moving "tomorrow".  "No problem," she tells me, gave her $18.00 and instructed to go to window 19.  Window 19 took my paperwork and gave me a one trip permit that is not dated.  I was in and out of the DMV (without an appointment) in 15 minutes!

Now, when we get to Tennessee I can pay my $37 and saved myself a chunk of change.

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