Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I'm finally back on Internet... finally!  What a comedy of errors this has been.  Admittedly, I waited until we arrived in Tennessee to schedule Directv and when I signed up I inquired about Internet bundling.  Boy, oh boy what a mistake this has been.

Once I got the TV taken care of, they forwarded me to "All-Connect", I think in India. They told me that Frontier would be my provider and that installation would be June 8 and that Frontier would be calling me in 48 hours.  I never got the call so when I called back Directv the guy told me that the order was pending and they were looking for a signal.  WTF!  A Frontier office is on the road to downtown, so I stopped by to see if they had anything listed in their computers.  They assured me that I was wrong because they don't partner with Directv, they partner with Dish and they would not be my internet provider if DTV initiated the deal.  End of conversation!

So, I called back Directv and he assured me that his computer screen is telling him that Frontier would be my provider, but the installation was scheduled on June 14 and it's all in their hands.  I said, "Okay, give me a reference number and phone number to call for this Frontier that says no way will they be my provider".  He gave it to me and asked if they could be of any further help.  I told him that he wasn't any help at all, so no.

I proceeded to called Frontier at the number I was given and the gal on the other end kept insisting that if I made my arrangements with DTV that they would NOT be my provider.  End of story again, but not so much.  I said, "Listen, humor me.  Just key in this reference number just to see if anything comes up".   She gave me this moanful waste of time sigh, but agreed.  Then she started asking me my name, etc and said that, yes, they had an installation scheduled for June 14.  I win! 

That evening I get a recorded call that my internet connection tech would be at my place between 8:00 and 10:00 on June 8.  At this point I am doubtful of everything and wasn't expecting a tech to show, but amazing enough he showed up the next morning.  I wonder what will happen on the scheduled June 14 date?  I'm still curious to find out how I will be billed.  How can Directv bundle my internet with a provider that claims they don't work with them? 

All of my old email addresses are still working, but my new email is  And that's another thing; they can't get my name correct.  At first it showed up as Tah Wilkson and I call them to correct that and they did correct the last name, but then the tech set my email up he set it up as Wilkings not Wilkins and they never corrected the first name... so I guess I'm still not finished with this saga.

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