Monday, June 21, 2010

POOP SCOOPIN' (uses S*** word)

I'm having real issues with shit.  And, apparently I am not the only one that has issues.  Just think about the sayings there are about the word...

-- Shit on a shingle (I think that's a jail term for some kind of food item. But, I wouldn't know).
-- Shit hits the fan
-- Holy Shit Batman (it was censored, but I'm sure Robin said it.)
-- Scared the shit out of...
-- In a world of Shit
-- Shit, I forgot!

I'm sure there are more but today was "shit on a tree" for me!  Uh, I guess I had better explain.

My dilemma since we've arrived with the dogs in Tennessee is what to do with it.  We are not supposed to put it in the trash; the dump where we take out trash clearly states on the sign that we are not to bring animal waste. 

My sister-in-law Sandy said toss it in the woods; that's what people do with it. She reasoned with me that there are all sorts of critters in the woods and they all do the natural thing right there and they don't worry about where. Ugh, coming from the public dog world in California poop is collected, bagged and thrown away.  Old habits are hard to break, but I'm trying.

So, I buy the spring loaded model of this contraption designed for ease and style.  Only takes a few minutes and a little thought to figure out how to pick it up, but it's a little more tricky to get the groove of the toss and release in the woods.  We have five acres of woods next door that's privately owned, but not developed.  We also have woods at the back of our property that is too dense to walk about in until the leaves fall. Call me selfish, but I choose the woods next to us instead of us.   

As I said the swing back and release is crucial.  My first toss failed miserably and I dropped the "treasures" just a few feet away my side of it's intended target and had to perform the re-pick move.  Finally, the turds found a resting place, but I figured that like anything, practice makes perfect.  With four dogs I had to get better so I picked up fallen apples and practiced the toss and release... obviously the success is in the release. 

Feeling proficient, as well as the pups getting back to normal after a food change I was feeling pretty confident about the motions, but not comfortable with the disposal.  Those old pick/bag/dispose habits made the toss/forgettabout attitude hard to deal with. 

Bottom line is after I successfully played poop darts with a tree, the next time I made a trip into town to the Walmart I picked up 150 poop bags.  I know I'm not supposed to take them to the dump, but I need to work on my attitude before trying the woods thing again.


  1. Linda Williams9:15 PM

    After dealing with Chips' turds, I'm afraid I'd be in the same state you are at this point.

    While I was still in OC I mail ordered a doggie turd disosal system. It was simple, have Brian dig a whole about 2' deep, install neat "collar" at top of hole, lid fit well. Turds went into hole and a little pack of chemical were added about once a month (with 4 dogs probably twice) and I think about a cup of water. Don't remember having any problems with it. Best I recall it was easy to use and didn't create any olfactory offense above ground.

    I will admit I'm glad you're the one with the disposal problem and not me. Looking back, I think that was the thing I hated most about having dogs--although I suspect Chips would have used the toilet if I'd only thought to explain it to him.

  2. Linda Williams9:23 PM

    Leave it to me to forget to do a search BEFORE I comment. Check out this site
    I remember the name "doggiedooley" now that I see it.
