Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ah, the joys of packing...

I'm deciding that the very worst part of our exciting new adventure is the packing. So far, just a box every other day or so. Cleaning out the closets and trying to decide what to keep, what to toss and what to give away.

Right now I'm looking at a box of games; probably 15 years old, but all in good shape except for the dust on the boxes. They were unpacked from the Moreno Valley move and put on the shelf in the office closet and now back out. I was going to throw them out, then I thought I would take them to work to see if any of my co-worker's kids might light them, then maybe they just need to be tossed. Maybe keep just a few of the smaller boxes. This so sucks.  I think this will exemplify my packing experience... if you've seen one box you've seen them all.  Ugh.  (Update:  I've gave away three.)

I'm also looking at my trophy shelf.  It's a very small shelf but many Hannah  & Brian earned in toss/fetch discdog before she shut down.  I have one frisbee that Abby earned and one with Sky.  I've struggled for days trying to decide if I want to pack them and I just answered my question.  Yes, I have very fond memories of the California comps and all the people involved.  Yes, I will pack them.

Thank God, we don't keep a lot of clutter in the house.  Now the garage, that is another story all together.

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