SNAKES... The one thing that I never thought of, and probably should have, were snakes.
We had just started getting the detached garage ready to turn it into a shop for our embroidery business, so we were spending more time hanging out in there and thinking about arrangements. I had taken my laptop to the proposed area for my computer work to see if I could get any kind of wifi internet reception from the house. Both Brian, myself and the dogs were just hanging.
We noticed that Lucy, our little Chiwiennie dog was paying very close attention to the axis where the walls meet the floor. We just figured that a little lizard came in while the garage door was open or something like that and had not given it much thought. Once a mother, always a mother and always visually glancing about for her charges to make sure they aren't in any trouble or about to get into any trouble. I saw Lucy stretch her neck and pull it back (walk like an Egyptian; or gosh now that songs going through my head) and I looked a little closer. Holy moley and what did I see...
I grabbed Lucy and made the dogs go into the x-pen we had set up for dog containment and got Brian's attention to come and look. I always have to remind people that we are born and raised Southern Cali-for-nians and to us this was tantamount to a fire breathing dragon. Of course, once we did our wow's I told Brian, "Don't do anything until I go get my camera. Beat him off with a stick if you have to, but don't let him leave until I take a picture."
Originally posted to Facebook. He was not happy about being poked with a stick! |
After posting the pic to my Facebook friends and family I got several links about what kind of snake it was, et cetera. Come to find out that it was probably a rat snake (thanks son) and probably wouldn't really hurt us. Nevertheless, Niece Michelle told us that the only good snake is a dead snake and when it shows up and invites itself in my house I'm not going to try and find out his/her guest manners.
Then a week or so later Brian comes to get me to go see what he found. Yep, you guessed it, yet another snake. This one he found IN OUR HOUSE GARAGE! Too close for comfort for me, but by the time I saw it it was already outside waiting for his photo shoot. He/she was not smiling.
I think that this episode just about exhausted my need for summer adventures. But, oh no, feeling like I was in the Land of the Lost was just not going to release it's hold on me. Red eye turtles in the front flower beds, crawling centipedes as long as my flip off finger. Mushrooms with mullet looking hair doo's. What's a California girl to do?
I tell you what... I think at least once or twice a day Brian would call me out, or I would call Brian out to see the phenomenom we called living on the Cumberland Plateau in the State of Tennessee. Which leads me into my next sharing exercise and it is not for the weak of stomach. I'll certainly keep it short and... and... can't say sweet for sure. Well, it was deer poop. I think it may have been deer poop or some sort of animal of the larger persuasion. The subject of our looky-loo of the day was found out under the pear tree. A huge pile of some sort of animal poop. The extraordinary thing to us was that is was covered in butterfles and these butterflies were like all excited to be at the party. There's video, but I won't subject my readers to that drama.
On that closing note my collection of Wildlife @ Wilkinsville photos can be found at this link in the "Links" section to the right of this writing appropriately named...
I can't help but wonder what adventures our next summer in Tennessee will bring us.